

No description

type GitHubPullRequestHead {
ref: String!
SHA: String!
ownerLogin: String!
ownerId: Int!
repositoryId: Int!
condition: PackageCondition
): [DetailedPackage!]
actionsWorkflows: [ActionsWorkflow!]!


GitHubPullRequestHead.ref ● String! non-null scalar

Identifies the head Ref associated with the pull request.

GitHubPullRequestHead.SHA ● String! non-null scalar

Identifies the oid of the head ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted.

GitHubPullRequestHead.ownerLogin ● String! non-null scalar

The owner of the repository associated with this pull request's head Ref.

GitHubPullRequestHead.ownerId ● Int! non-null scalar

The owner of the repository associated with this pull request's head Ref.

GitHubPullRequestHead.repositoryId ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the repository associated with this pull request's head Ref.

GitHubPullRequestHead.packages ● [DetailedPackage!] list object

Packages detected in the head ref; available only after scanning completed

GitHubPullRequestHead.packages.condition ● PackageCondition input

GitHubPullRequestHead.actionsWorkflows ● [ActionsWorkflow!]! non-null object

Workflows on GitHub Actions detected in the head ref; available only after scanning completed

Member of

GitHubPullRequest object