

No description

type GitHubOrganization {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
id: Int64!
login: String!
name: String!
company: String!
location: String
email: String
billingEmail: String
twitterUsername: String
description: String
publicReposCount: Int!
totalPrivateReposCount: Int
ownedPrivateReposCount: Int
publicGistsCount: Int!
privateGistsCount: Int
followersCount: Int!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
diskUsage: Int!
collaboratorsCount: Int!
plan: GitHubOrganizationPlan!
isVerified: Boolean!
hasOrganizationProjects: Boolean!
hasRepositoryProjects: Boolean!
requiresTwoFactorAuthentication: Boolean!
defaultRepositoryPermission: GitHubDefaultRepositoryPermission!
canMembersCreateRepositories: Boolean!
canMembersCreateInternalRepositories: Boolean!
canMembersCreatePrivateRepositories: Boolean!
canMembersCreatePublicRepositories: Boolean!
canMembersForkPrivateRepositories: Boolean!
canMembersCreatePages: Boolean!
canMembersCreatePublicPages: Boolean!
canMembersCreatePrivatePages: Boolean!
blog: String!
privacy: GitHubRepositoryVisibility
): [GitHubRepository!]!
members: [GitHubOrganizationMember!]!


GitHubOrganization.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this resource in Shisho Cloud

GitHubOrganization.id ● Int64! non-null scalar

The ID of the repository.

GitHubOrganization.login ● String! non-null scalar

The organization's login name.

GitHubOrganization.name ● String! non-null scalar

The organization's public profile name.

GitHubOrganization.company ● String! non-null scalar

The organization's public profile company.

GitHubOrganization.location ● String scalar

The organization's public profile location.

GitHubOrganization.email ● String scalar

The organization's public email.

GitHubOrganization.billingEmail ● String scalar

The email used for sending billing receipts.

GitHubOrganization.twitterUsername ● String scalar

The organization's Twitter username.

GitHubOrganization.description ● String scalar

The organization's public profile description.

GitHubOrganization.publicReposCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of the organization's public repositories.

GitHubOrganization.totalPrivateReposCount ● Int scalar

The number of the organization's private repositories.

GitHubOrganization.ownedPrivateReposCount ● Int scalar

The number of the organization's private repositories.

GitHubOrganization.publicGistsCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of the organization's public gists.

GitHubOrganization.privateGistsCount ● Int scalar

The number of the organization's private gists.

GitHubOrganization.followersCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of the organization's followers.

GitHubOrganization.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time when the object was created.

GitHubOrganization.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time when the object was last updated.

GitHubOrganization.diskUsage ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk.

GitHubOrganization.collaboratorsCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of the organization's collaborators.

GitHubOrganization.plan ● GitHubOrganizationPlan! non-null object

The billing plan for the organization.

GitHubOrganization.isVerified ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether the organization has verified its profile email and website.

GitHubOrganization.hasOrganizationProjects ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether the organization has orgainzation projects.

GitHubOrganization.hasRepositoryProjects ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether the organization has repository projects.

GitHubOrganization.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication ● Boolean! non-null scalar

When true the organization requires all members, billing managers, and outside collaborators to enable two-factor authentication.

GitHubOrganization.defaultRepositoryPermission ● GitHubDefaultRepositoryPermission! non-null enum

The base repository permissions for repositories in the organizations.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreateRepositories ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create repositories.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreateInternalRepositories ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create internal repositories.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreatePrivateRepositories ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create private repositories.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreatePublicRepositories ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create public repositories.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersForkPrivateRepositories ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Members can fork private repositories in this organization

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreatePages ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create pages.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreatePublicPages ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create public pages.

GitHubOrganization.canMembersCreatePrivatePages ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Whether members of the organization can create private pages.

GitHubOrganization.blog ● String! non-null scalar

GitHubOrganization.repositories ● [GitHubRepository!]! non-null object

GitHubOrganization.repositories.privacy ● GitHubRepositoryVisibility enum

GitHubOrganization.members ● [GitHubOrganizationMember!]! non-null object

Member of

GitHub object