

No description

type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
arn: String!
atRestEncryptionEnabled: Boolean!
authTokenEnabled: Boolean!
authTokenLastModifiedAt: DateTime
autoMinorVersionUpgrade: Boolean!
automaticFailover: AWSElastiCacheAutomaticFailoverStatusType!
cacheNodeType: String!
clusterEnabled: Boolean!
clusterMode: AWSElastiCacheClusterModeType!
configurationEndpoint: AWSElastiCacheEndpoint
dataTiering: AWSElastiCacheDataTieringStatusType!
description: String!
globalReplicationGroupInformation: AWSElastiCacheGlobalReplicationGroupInformation
ipDiscovery: AWSElastiCacheIPAddressDiscoveryType!
kmsKeyId: String!
logDeliveryConfigurations: [AWSElastiCacheLogDeliveryConfiguration!]!
clusters: [AWSElastiCacheRedisCluster!]!
clustersOutpostArns: [String!]!
multiAz: AWSElastiCacheMultiAZStatusType!
networkType: AWSElastiCacheNetworkType!
nodeGroups: [AWSElastiCacheNodeGroup!]!
pendingModifiedValues: AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues
createdAt: DateTime
id: ID!
snapshotRetentionLimit: Int!
snapshotWindow: String!
snapshottingClusterId: String!
status: String!
transitEncryptionEnabled: Boolean!
transitEncryptionMode: AWSElastiCacheTransitEncryptionModeType!
userGroupIds: [String!]!


AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this replication group in Shisho Cloud

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.atRestEncryptionEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag that enables encryption at-rest when set to true

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.authTokenEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag that enables using an AuthToken (password) when issuing Redis commands

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.authTokenLastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date the auth token was last modified

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.autoMinorVersionUpgrade ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If you are running Redis engine version 6.0 or later, set this parameter to yes if you want to opt-in to the next auto minor version upgrade campaign

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.automaticFailover ● AWSElastiCacheAutomaticFailoverStatusType! non-null enum

The status of automatic failover for this Redis replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.cacheNodeType ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the compute and memory capacity node type for each node in the replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.clusterEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether or not this replication group is cluster enabled; i.e., whether its data can be partitioned across multiple shards (API/CLI: node groups)

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.clusterMode ● AWSElastiCacheClusterModeType! non-null enum

Enabled or Disabled. To modify cluster mode from Disabled to Enabled, you must first set the cluster mode to Compatible. Compatible mode allows your Redis clients to connect using both cluster mode enabled and cluster mode disabled. After you migrate all Redis clients to use cluster mode enabled, you can then complete cluster mode configuration and set the cluster mode to Enabled.

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.configurationEndpoint ● AWSElastiCacheEndpoint object

The configuration endpoint for this replication group. Use the configuration endpoint to connect to this replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.dataTiering ● AWSElastiCacheDataTieringStatusType! non-null enum

Enables data tiering. Data tiering is only supported for replication groups using the r6gd node type. This parameter must be set to true when using r6gd nodes. For more information, see Data tiering.

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.description ● String! non-null scalar

The user supplied description of the replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.globalReplicationGroupInformation ● AWSElastiCacheGlobalReplicationGroupInformation object

The name of the Global datastore and role of this replication group in the Global datastore

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.ipDiscovery ● AWSElastiCacheIPAddressDiscoveryType! non-null enum

The network type you choose when modifying a cluster, either ipv4 | ipv6. IPv6 is supported for workloads using Redis engine version 6.2 onward or Memcached engine version 1.6.6 on all instances built on the Nitro system.

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.kmsKeyId ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the disk in the cluster

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.logDeliveryConfigurations ● [AWSElastiCacheLogDeliveryConfiguration!]! non-null object

Returns the destination, format and type of the logs

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.clusters ● [AWSElastiCacheRedisCluster!]! non-null object

The cache clusters that are part of this replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.clustersOutpostArns ● [String!]! non-null scalar

The outpost ARNs of the replication group's member clusters

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.multiAz ● AWSElastiCacheMultiAZStatusType! non-null enum

A flag indicating if you have Multi-AZ enabled to enhance fault tolerance. For more information, see Minimizing Downtime: Multi-AZ

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.networkType ● AWSElastiCacheNetworkType! non-null enum

The network type. Must be either ipv4 | ipv6 | dual_stack

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.nodeGroups ● [AWSElastiCacheNodeGroup!]! non-null object

A list of node groups in this replication group. For Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication groups, this is a single-element list. For Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication groups, the list contains an entry for each node group (shard)

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.pendingModifiedValues ● AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues object

A group of settings to be applied to the replication group, either immediately or during the next maintenance window

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time when the cluster was created

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.id ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier for the replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.snapshotRetentionLimit ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of days for which ElastiCache retains automatic cluster snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you set SnapshotRetentionLimit to 5, a snapshot that was taken today is retained for 5 days before being deleted. If the value of SnapshotRetentionLimit is set to zero (0), backups are turned off

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.snapshotWindow ● String! non-null scalar

The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache begins taking a daily snapshot of your node group (shard)

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.snapshottingClusterId ● String! non-null scalar

The cluster ID that is used as the daily snapshot source for the replication group

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.status ● String! non-null scalar

The current state of this replication group - creating | available | modifying | deleting | create-failed | snapshotting

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.transitEncryptionEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag that enables in-transit encryption when set to true

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.transitEncryptionMode ● AWSElastiCacheTransitEncryptionModeType! non-null enum

A setting that allows you to migrate your clients to use in-transit encryption, with no downtime

AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup.userGroupIds ● [String!]! non-null scalar

The ID of the user group associated to the replication group

Member of

AWSElastiCacheRedis object