

No description

type AWSVPCFirewallHeader {
destination: String!
destinationPort: String!
direction: AWSVPCFirewallRuleDirectionType!
protocol: AWSVPCFirewallProtocolType!
source: String!
sourcePort: String!


AWSVPCFirewallHeader.destination ● String! non-null scalar

The destination IP address or address range to inspect for, in CIDR notation

AWSVPCFirewallHeader.destinationPort ● String! non-null scalar

The destination port to inspect for

AWSVPCFirewallHeader.direction ● AWSVPCFirewallRuleDirectionType! non-null enum

The direction of traffic flow to inspect

AWSVPCFirewallHeader.protocol ● AWSVPCFirewallProtocolType! non-null enum

The protocol to inspect for

AWSVPCFirewallHeader.source ● String! non-null scalar

The source IP address or address range to inspect for, in CIDR notation

AWSVPCFirewallHeader.sourcePort ● String! non-null scalar

The source port to inspect for

Member of

AWSVPCFirewallStatefulRule object