

No description

type AWSSQSFIFOQueue {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
approximateNumberOfMessages: Int!
approximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible: Int!
approximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed: Int!
createdAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
contentBasedDeduplication: Boolean!
deduplicationScope: AWSSQSFIFOQueueDeduplicationScopeType!
delaySeconds: Int!
throughputLimit: AWSSQSFIFOQueueThroughputLimitType!
maximumMessageSize: Int!
messageRetentionPeriod: Int!
arn: String!
name: String!
receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: Int!
policy: AWSSQSQueuePolicy!
redrivePolicy: AWSSQSQueueRedrivePolicy
redriveAllowPolicy: AWSSQSQueueRedriveAllowPolicy
visibilityTimeout: Int!
serverSideEncryption: AWSSQSQueueServerSideEncryption!


AWSSQSFIFOQueue.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this queue in Shisho Cloud

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.approximateNumberOfMessages ● Int! non-null scalar

The approximate number of messages available for retrieval from the queue

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.approximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible ● Int! non-null scalar

The approximate number of messages that are in flight

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.approximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed ● Int! non-null scalar

The approximate number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The created date/time

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The last modified date/time

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.contentBasedDeduplication ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether to enable content-based deduplication. During the deduplication interval, Amazon SQS treats messages that are sent with identical content as duplicates and delivers only one copy of the message.

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.deduplicationScope ● AWSSQSFIFOQueueDeduplicationScopeType! non-null enum

Indicates whether message deduplication occurs at the message group or queue level

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.delaySeconds ● Int! non-null scalar

The time in seconds for which the delivery of all messages in the queue is delayed. The range: 0 to 900 (15 minutes) The default value: 0

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.throughputLimit ● AWSSQSFIFOQueueThroughputLimitType! non-null enum

Indicates whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.maximumMessageSize ● Int! non-null scalar

The limit of how many bytes that a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. The range: 1,024 bytes (1 KiB) to 262,144 bytes (256 KiB) The default value: 262,144 (256 KiB).

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.messageRetentionPeriod ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of seconds that Amazon SQS retains a message The range: 60 seconds (1 minute) to 1,209,600 seconds (14 days) The default value: 345,600 seconds (4 days)

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the queue

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds ● Int! non-null scalar

Indicates the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in the response, rather than returning an empty response if a message isn't yet available. The range: 1 to 20

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.policy ● AWSSQSQueuePolicy! non-null object

The policy of the queue

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.redrivePolicy ● AWSSQSQueueRedrivePolicy object

The configuration of the dead-letter queue

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.redriveAllowPolicy ● AWSSQSQueueRedriveAllowPolicy object

The dead-letter queue redrive permission

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.visibilityTimeout ● Int! non-null scalar

The length of time during which a message will be unavailable after a message is delivered from the queue The range: 0 to 43,200 (12 hours) The default value: 30 seconds

AWSSQSFIFOQueue.serverSideEncryption ● AWSSQSQueueServerSideEncryption! non-null object

The configuration of the server-side encryption

Implemented by

AWSSQSQueue union