

No description

type AWSECSTaskDefinition {
compatibilities: [AWSECSCompatibilityType!]!
containerDefinitions: [AWSECSContainerDefinition!]!
cpu: Int!
deregisteredAt: DateTime
ephemeralStorage: AWSECSEphemeralStorage
executionRole: AWSIAMRole
family: String!
inferenceAccelerators: [AWSECSTaskInferenceAccelerator!]!
ipcMode: AWSECSTaskDefinitionIpcModeType!
memory: Int!
networkMode: AWSECSTaskDefinitionNetworkModeType!
pidMode: AWSECSTaskDefinitionPidModeType!
placementConstraints: [AWSECSTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint!]!
proxyConfiguration: AWSECSTaskDefinitionProxyConfiguration
registeredAt: DateTime
registeredBy: String!
requiresAttributes: [AWSECSAttribute!]!
requiresCompatibilities: [AWSECSCompatibilityType!]!
revision: Int!
runtimePlatform: AWSECSTaskDefinitionRuntimePlatform
status: AWSECSTaskDefinitionStatusType!
arn: String!
taskRole: AWSIAMRole
volumes: [AWSECSTaskDefinitionVolume!]!


AWSECSTaskDefinition.compatibilities ● [AWSECSCompatibilityType!]! non-null enum

The task launch types the task definition validated against during task definition registration

AWSECSTaskDefinition.containerDefinitions ● [AWSECSContainerDefinition!]! non-null union

A list of container definitions in JSON format that describe the different containers that make up your task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.cpu ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of cpu units used by the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.deregisteredAt ● DateTime scalar

The time when the task definition was deregistered

AWSECSTaskDefinition.ephemeralStorage ● AWSECSEphemeralStorage object

The ephemeral storage settings to use for tasks run with the task definition

AWSECSTaskDefinition.executionRole ● AWSIAMRole object

The task execution role that grants the Amazon ECS container agent permission to make Amazon Web Services API calls on your behalf

AWSECSTaskDefinition.family ● String! non-null scalar

The name of a family that this task definition is registered to

AWSECSTaskDefinition.inferenceAccelerators ● [AWSECSTaskInferenceAccelerator!]! non-null object

The Elastic Inference accelerator that's associated with the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.ipcMode ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionIpcModeType! non-null enum

The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.memory ● Int! non-null scalar

The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.networkMode ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionNetworkModeType! non-null enum

The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.pidMode ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionPidModeType! non-null enum

The process namespace to use for the containers in the task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.placementConstraints ● [AWSECSTaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint!]! non-null object

An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks

AWSECSTaskDefinition.proxyConfiguration ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionProxyConfiguration object

The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy

AWSECSTaskDefinition.registeredAt ● DateTime scalar

The time when the task definition was registered.

AWSECSTaskDefinition.registeredBy ● String! non-null scalar

The principal that registered the task definition.

AWSECSTaskDefinition.requiresAttributes ● [AWSECSAttribute!]! non-null object

The container instance attributes required by your task

AWSECSTaskDefinition.requiresCompatibilities ● [AWSECSCompatibilityType!]! non-null enum

The task launch types the task definition was validated against

AWSECSTaskDefinition.revision ● Int! non-null scalar

The revision of the task in a particular family

AWSECSTaskDefinition.runtimePlatform ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionRuntimePlatform object

The operating system that your task definitions are running on

AWSECSTaskDefinition.status ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionStatusType! non-null enum

The status of the task definition

AWSECSTaskDefinition.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.

AWSECSTaskDefinition.taskRole ● AWSIAMRole object

The task execution role that grants the Amazon ECS container agent permission to make Amazon Web Services API calls on your behalf

AWSECSTaskDefinition.volumes ● [AWSECSTaskDefinitionVolume!]! non-null object

The list of data volume definitions for the task

Member of

AWSECSService object ● AWSECSServiceDeployment object ● AWSECSServiceTaskSet object ● AWSECSTask object