

No description

type AWSConfigRecorderStatus {
lastErrorCode: String!
lastErrorMessage: String!
lastStartedAt: DateTime
lastStatus: AWSConfigRecorderStatusType!
lastStatusChangedAt: DateTime
lastStoppedAt: DateTime
name: String!
recording: Boolean!


AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastErrorCode ● String! non-null scalar

The latest error code from when the recorder last failed

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastErrorMessage ● String! non-null scalar

The latest error message from when the recorder last failed

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastStartedAt ● DateTime scalar

The time the recorder was last started

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastStatus ● AWSConfigRecorderStatusType! non-null enum

The status of the latest recording event processed by the recorder

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastStatusChangedAt ● DateTime scalar

The time of the latest change in status of an recording event processed by the recorder

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.lastStoppedAt ● DateTime scalar

The time the recorder was last stopped

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the configuration recorder

AWSConfigRecorderStatus.recording ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether or not the recorder is currently recording

Member of

AWSConfigRecorder object