

No description

type AWSECSClusterTaskStatisticsSet {
totalOfPending: Int!
totalOfRunning: Int!
ec2Stats: AWSECSClusterTaskStatistics!
fargateStats: AWSECSClusterTaskStatistics!


AWSECSClusterTaskStatisticsSet.totalOfPending ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the PENDING state

AWSECSClusterTaskStatisticsSet.totalOfRunning ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state

AWSECSClusterTaskStatisticsSet.ec2Stats ● AWSECSClusterTaskStatistics! non-null object

The statistics of EC2

AWSECSClusterTaskStatisticsSet.fargateStats ● AWSECSClusterTaskStatistics! non-null object

The statistics of Fargate

Member of

AWSECSClusterStatistics object