

No description

type AWSTag {
key: String!
value: String!


AWSTag.key ● String! non-null scalar

The key of the tag The format: case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws:.

AWSTag.value ● String! non-null scalar

The value of the tag The format: case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

Member of

AWSAPIGatewayHTTPAPI object ● AWSAPIGatewayHTTPAPIInternetIntegration object ● AWSAPIGatewayHTTPAPIVPCLinkIntegration object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPI object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIKey object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIResourceMethod object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIResourceMethodIntegrationInternetConnection object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIResourceMethodIntegrationResponseValue object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIResourceMethodIntegrationVPCLinkConnection object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIResourceMethodResponse object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIStage object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIStageCanarySettings object ● AWSAPIGatewayRestAPIVPCLink object ● AWSAPIGatewayV2IntegrationResponseParameter object ● AWSAPIGatewayV2Stage object ● AWSAPIGatewayV2VPCLink object ● AWSAPIGatewayWebSocketAPI object ● AWSAPIGatewayWebSocketAPIIntegration object ● AWSAPIGatewayWebSocketAPIRoute object ● AWSCloudFormationStack object ● AWSCloudFrontDistribution object ● AWSCloudWatchLogGroupMetricTransformation object ● AWSEBSSnapshot object ● AWSEBSVolume object ● AWSEC2Instance object ● AWSEC2LaunchTemplate object ● AWSEC2LaunchTemplateTagSpecification object ● AWSECSCluster object ● AWSECSContainerFirelensConfiguration object ● AWSECSContainerLogConfiguration object ● AWSECSLinuxContainerDefinition object ● AWSECSService object ● AWSECSServiceTaskSet object ● AWSECSTask object ● AWSECSTaskDefinitionDockerVolumeConfiguration object ● AWSECSWindowsContainerDefinition object ● AWSEFSFileSystem object ● AWSEFSFileSystemAccessPoint object ● AWSEKSCluster object ● AWSElasticLoadBalancerAuthenticateCognitoActionConfiguration object ● AWSElasticLoadBalancerAuthenticateOidcActionConfiguration object ● AWSElasticsearchDomain object ● AWSEMRCluster object ● AWSEMRClusterApplication object ● AWSEMRClusterConfiguration object ● AWSEMRClusterStatusErrorData object ● AWSGuardDutyDetector object ● AWSIAMAccessAnalyzer object ● AWSIAMPolicy object ● AWSIAMRole object ● AWSIAMUser object ● AWSIAMVirtualMFADevice object ● AWSNetowrkTransitGateway object ● AWSNetworkAddress object ● AWSNetworkInterface object ● AWSNetworkVPNConnection object ● AWSOpenSearchDomain object ● AWSRDSAuroraInstance object ● AWSRDSAuroraMySQLInstance object ● AWSRDSAuroraPostgreSQLInstance object ● AWSRDSDatabaseCluster object ● AWSRDSDatabaseClusterSnapshot object ● AWSRDSDatabaseInstanceSnapshot object ● AWSRDSGenericDatabaseInstance object ● AWSRDSMariaDBInstance object ● AWSRDSMySQLInstance object ● AWSRDSOracleInstance object ● AWSRDSPostgreSQLInstance object ● AWSRDSSQLServerInstance object ● AWSRedshiftCluster object ● AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup object ● AWSS3Bucket object ● AWSS3BucketLifecycleRuleFilterMemberAnd object ● AWSS3BucketLifecycleRuleFilterMemberTag object ● AWSS3BucketReplicationRuleFilterMemberAnd object ● AWSSecretsManagerSecret object ● AWSSecurityGroupRule object ● AWSSSMDocument object ● AWSSSMInstanceCompliance object ● AWSVPC object ● AWSVPCEndpoint object ● AWSVPCFirewall object ● AWSVPCFirewallStatefulRuleGroup object ● AWSVPCFirewallStatelessRuleGroup object ● AWSVPCFlowLog object ● AWSVPCNetworkACL object ● AWSVPCRouteTable object ● AWSVPCSecurityGroup object ● AWSVPCSubnet object