

No description

type AWSEC2Instance {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
region: AWSRegion!
amiLaunchIndex: Int!
architecture: AWSEC2InstanceArchitectureType!
blockDeviceMappings: [AWSEC2InstanceBlockDeviceMapping!]!
bootMode: AWSEC2InstanceBootModeType!
capacityReservationId: String!
capacityReservationSpecification: AWSEC2InstanceCapacityReservationSpecification!
cpuOptions: AWSEC2InstanceCPUOptions!
currentInstanceBootMode: AWSEC2CurrentInstanceBootModeType!
ebsOptimized: Boolean!
elasticGpuAssociations: [AWSEC2InstanceElasticGPUAssociation!]!
elasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociations: [AWSEC2InstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociation!]!
enaSupport: Boolean!
enclaveOptions: AWSEC2InstanceEnclaveOptions!
hibernationOptions: AWSEC2InstanceHibernationOptions!
hypervisor: AWSEC2InstanceHypervisorType!
iamInstanceProfile: AWSEC2InstanceIAMInstanceProfile!
imageId: String!
id: String!
lifecycle: AWSEC2InstanceLifecycleType!
type: AWSEC2InstanceType!
ipv6Address: String!
kernelId: String!
keyName: String!
launchedAt: DateTime!
licenses: [AWSEC2InstanceLicenseConfiguration!]!
maintenanceOptions: AWSEC2InstanceMaintenanceOptions!
metadataOptions: AWSEC2InstanceMetadataOptions!
monitoring: AWSEC2InstanceMonitoring!
networkInterfaces: [AWSEC2InstanceNetworkInterface!]!
outpostArn: String!
placement: AWSEC2InstancePlacement!
platform: AWSEC2InstancePlatformValueType!
platformDetails: String!
privateDnsName: String!
privateDnsNameOptions: AWSEC2InstancePrivateDNSNameOptions!
privateIpAddress: String!
productCodes: [AWSEC2InstanceProductCode!]!
publicDnsName: String!
publicIpAddress: String!
ramDiskId: String!
rootDeviceName: String!
rootDeviceType: AWSEC2InstanceDeviceType!
securityGroups: [AWSEC2InstanceGroupIdentifier!]!
sourceDestinationCheck: Boolean!
spotInstanceRequestId: String!
sriovNetSupport: String!
state: AWSEC2InstanceState!
stateReason: AWSEC2InstanceStateReason!
stateTransitionReason: String!
stateTransitedAt: DateTime
subnetId: String!
tags: [AWSTag!]!
tpmSupport: String!
usageOperation: String!
usageOperationUpdatedAt: DateTime
virtualizationType: AWSEC2InstanceVirtualizationType!
vpc: AWSVPC!
ssmConfiguration: AWSSSMInstance


AWSEC2Instance.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this resource in Shisho Cloud

AWSEC2Instance.region ● AWSRegion! non-null scalar

The region the instance is in

AWSEC2Instance.amiLaunchIndex ● Int! non-null scalar

The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance in the launch group.

AWSEC2Instance.architecture ● AWSEC2InstanceArchitectureType! non-null enum

The architecture of the image

AWSEC2Instance.blockDeviceMappings ● [AWSEC2InstanceBlockDeviceMapping!]! non-null object

Any block device mapping entries for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.bootMode ● AWSEC2InstanceBootModeType! non-null enum

The boot mode that was specified by the AMI

AWSEC2Instance.capacityReservationId ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the Capacity Reservation

AWSEC2Instance.capacityReservationSpecification ● AWSEC2InstanceCapacityReservationSpecification! non-null object

Information about the Capacity Reservation targeting option

AWSEC2Instance.cpuOptions ● AWSEC2InstanceCPUOptions! non-null object

The CPU options for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.currentInstanceBootMode ● AWSEC2CurrentInstanceBootModeType! non-null enum

The boot mode that is used to boot the instance at launch or start

AWSEC2Instance.ebsOptimized ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O

AWSEC2Instance.elasticGpuAssociations ● [AWSEC2InstanceElasticGPUAssociation!]! non-null object

The Elastic GPU associated with the instance

AWSEC2Instance.elasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociations ● [AWSEC2InstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociation!]! non-null object

The Elastic Inference accelerator associated with the instance

AWSEC2Instance.enaSupport ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Specifies whether enhanced networking with ENA is enabled

AWSEC2Instance.enclaveOptions ● AWSEC2InstanceEnclaveOptions! non-null object

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves

AWSEC2Instance.hibernationOptions ● AWSEC2InstanceHibernationOptions! non-null object

Indicates whether the instance is enabled for hibernation

AWSEC2Instance.hypervisor ● AWSEC2InstanceHypervisorType! non-null enum

The hypervisor type of the instance

AWSEC2Instance.iamInstanceProfile ● AWSEC2InstanceIAMInstanceProfile! non-null object

The IAM instance profile associated with the instance, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.imageId ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance

AWSEC2Instance.id ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the instance

AWSEC2Instance.lifecycle ● AWSEC2InstanceLifecycleType! non-null enum

Indicates whether this is a Spot Instance or a Scheduled Instance

AWSEC2Instance.type ● AWSEC2InstanceType! non-null enum

The instance type

AWSEC2Instance.ipv6Address ● String! non-null scalar

The IPv6 address assigned to the instance

AWSEC2Instance.kernelId ● String! non-null scalar

The kernel associated with this instance, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.keyName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair

AWSEC2Instance.launchedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The time the instance was launched

AWSEC2Instance.licenses ● [AWSEC2InstanceLicenseConfiguration!]! non-null object

The license configurations for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.maintenanceOptions ● AWSEC2InstanceMaintenanceOptions! non-null object

Provides information on the recovery and maintenance options of your instance

AWSEC2Instance.metadataOptions ● AWSEC2InstanceMetadataOptions! non-null object

The metadata options for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.monitoring ● AWSEC2InstanceMonitoring! non-null object

The monitoring for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.networkInterfaces ● [AWSEC2InstanceNetworkInterface!]! non-null object

The network interfaces for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.outpostArn ● String! non-null scalar

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost

AWSEC2Instance.placement ● AWSEC2InstancePlacement! non-null object

The location where the instance launched, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.platform ● AWSEC2InstancePlatformValueType! non-null enum

The value is Windows for Windows instances; otherwise blank

AWSEC2Instance.platformDetails ● String! non-null scalar

The platform details value for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.privateDnsName ● String! non-null scalar

The private DNS hostname name assigned to the instance

AWSEC2Instance.privateDnsNameOptions ● AWSEC2InstancePrivateDNSNameOptions! non-null object

The options for the instance hostname

AWSEC2Instance.privateIpAddress ● String! non-null scalar

The private IPv4 address assigned to the instance

AWSEC2Instance.productCodes ● [AWSEC2InstanceProductCode!]! non-null object

The product codes attached to this instance, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.publicDnsName ● String! non-null scalar

The public DNS name assigned to the instance

AWSEC2Instance.publicIpAddress ● String! non-null scalar

The public IPv4 address, or the Carrier IP address assigned to the instance, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.ramDiskId ● String! non-null scalar

The RAM disk associated with this instance, if applicable

AWSEC2Instance.rootDeviceName ● String! non-null scalar

The device name of the root device volume

AWSEC2Instance.rootDeviceType ● AWSEC2InstanceDeviceType! non-null enum

The root device type used by the AMI

AWSEC2Instance.securityGroups ● [AWSEC2InstanceGroupIdentifier!]! non-null object

The security groups for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.sourceDestinationCheck ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether source/destination checking is enabled

AWSEC2Instance.spotInstanceRequestId ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the Spot Instance request, the ID of the request

AWSEC2Instance.sriovNetSupport ● String! non-null scalar

Specifies whether enhanced networking with the Intel 82599 Virtual Function interface is enabled

AWSEC2Instance.state ● AWSEC2InstanceState! non-null object

The current state of the instance

AWSEC2Instance.stateReason ● AWSEC2InstanceStateReason! non-null object

The reason for the most recent state transition

AWSEC2Instance.stateTransitionReason ● String! non-null scalar

The reason for the most recent state transition

AWSEC2Instance.stateTransitedAt ● DateTime scalar

The state transition date/time

AWSEC2Instance.subnetId ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running

AWSEC2Instance.tags ● [AWSTag!]! non-null object

Any tags assigned to the instance

AWSEC2Instance.tpmSupport ● String! non-null scalar

If the instance is configured for NitroTPM support, the value is v2.0

AWSEC2Instance.usageOperation ● String! non-null scalar

The usage operation value for the instance

AWSEC2Instance.usageOperationUpdatedAt ● DateTime scalar

The time that the usage operation was last updated

AWSEC2Instance.virtualizationType ● AWSEC2InstanceVirtualizationType! non-null enum

The virtualization type of the instance

AWSEC2Instance.vpc ● AWSVPC! non-null object

The VPC of the EC2 instance

AWSEC2Instance.ssmConfiguration ● AWSSSMInstance object

The information about SSM configuration details including the operating system platform, SSM Agent version, association status, and IP address

Member of

AWSCloudFrontDistributionOriginBackendEC2Instance object ● AWSEC2 object ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources object ● AWSNetworkAddress object