

No description

type AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement {
arn: String!
fieldToMatch: AWSWAFWebACLFieldToMatch
textTransformations: [AWSWAFWebACLTextTransformation!]!


AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the RegexPatternSet that this statement references

AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement.fieldToMatch ● AWSWAFWebACLFieldToMatch object

The part of the web request that you want WAF to inspect

AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement.textTransformations ● [AWSWAFWebACLTextTransformation!]! non-null object

Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass detection

Member of

AWSWAFWebACLStatement object