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type AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions {
customEndpoint: String!
customEndpointCertificateArn: String!
customEndpointEnabled: Boolean!
enforceHTTPS: Boolean!
tlsSecurityPolicy: AWSOpenSearchDomainTLSSecurityPolicyType!


AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions.customEndpoint ● String! non-null scalar

The fully qualified domain for your custom endpoint

AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions.customEndpointCertificateArn ● String! non-null scalar

The ARN for your security certificate, managed in Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager (ACM)

AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions.customEndpointEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether to enable a custom endpoint for the domain

AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions.enforceHTTPS ● Boolean! non-null scalar

True to require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS

AWSOpenSearchDomainEndpointOptions.tlsSecurityPolicy ● AWSOpenSearchDomainTLSSecurityPolicyType! non-null enum

The TLS security policy that needs to be applied to the HTTPS endpoint of Elasticsearch domain

Member of

AWSOpenSearchDomain object