

No description

type AWSLambdaFunction {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
architectures: [AWSLambdaFunctionArchitectureType!]!
codeSha256: String!
codeSize: Int64!
deadLetterConfiguration: AWSLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfiguration
description: String!
environment: AWSLambdaFunctionEnvironment
ephemeralStorage: AWSLambdaFunctionEphemeralStorage
fileSystemConfigurations: [AWSLambdaFunctionFileSystemConfiguration!]!
arn: String!
name: String!
handler: String!
imageConfiguration: AWSLambdaFunctionImageConfiguration
kmsKeyArn: String!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime
lastUpdateStatus: AWSLambdaFunctionLastUpdateStatusType!
lastUpdateStatusReason: String!
lastUpdateStatusReasonCode: AWSLambdaFunctionLastUpdateStatusReasonCodeType!
layers: [AWSLambdaFunctionLayer!]!
masterArn: String!
memorySize: Int!
packageType: AWSLambdaFunctionPackageType!
revisionId: String!
role: String!
runtime: AWSLambdaFunctionRuntimeType!
runtimeVersionConfiguration: AWSLambdaFunctionRuntimeVersionConfiguration
signingJobArn: String!
signingProfileVersionArn: String!
snapStart: AWSLambdaFunctionSnapStart
state: AWSLambdaFunctionStateType!
stateReason: String!
stateReasonCode: AWSLambdaFunctionStateReasonCodeType!
timeout: Int!
tracingConfiguration: AWSLambdaFunctionTracingConfiguration
version: String!
vpcConfiguration: AWSLambdaFunctionVPCConfiguration
policy: AWSLambdaFunctionPolicy


AWSLambdaFunction.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this function in Shisho Cloud

AWSLambdaFunction.architectures ● [AWSLambdaFunctionArchitectureType!]! non-null enum

The instruction set architecture that the function supports The default architecture value is X86_64

AWSLambdaFunction.codeSha256 ● String! non-null scalar

The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package

AWSLambdaFunction.codeSize ● Int64! non-null scalar

The size of the function's deployment package, in bytes

AWSLambdaFunction.deadLetterConfiguration ● AWSLambdaFunctionDeadLetterConfiguration object

The function's dead letter queue

AWSLambdaFunction.description ● String! non-null scalar

The function's description

AWSLambdaFunction.environment ● AWSLambdaFunctionEnvironment object

The function's environment variables

AWSLambdaFunction.ephemeralStorage ● AWSLambdaFunctionEphemeralStorage object

The size of the function's /tmp directory in MB

AWSLambdaFunction.fileSystemConfigurations ● [AWSLambdaFunctionFileSystemConfiguration!]! non-null object

Connection settings for an Amazon EFS file system

AWSLambdaFunction.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The function's Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

AWSLambdaFunction.name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the function

AWSLambdaFunction.handler ● String! non-null scalar

The function that Lambda calls to begin running your function

AWSLambdaFunction.imageConfiguration ● AWSLambdaFunctionImageConfiguration object

The function's image configuration values

AWSLambdaFunction.kmsKeyArn ● String! non-null scalar

The KMS key that's used to encrypt the function's environment variables

AWSLambdaFunction.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time that the function was last updated

AWSLambdaFunction.lastUpdateStatus ● AWSLambdaFunctionLastUpdateStatusType! non-null enum

The status of the last update that was performed on the function

AWSLambdaFunction.lastUpdateStatusReason ● String! non-null scalar

The reason for the last update that was performed on the function

AWSLambdaFunction.lastUpdateStatusReasonCode ● AWSLambdaFunctionLastUpdateStatusReasonCodeType! non-null enum

The reason code for the last update that was performed on the function

AWSLambdaFunction.layers ● [AWSLambdaFunctionLayer!]! non-null object

The function's layers

AWSLambdaFunction.masterArn ● String! non-null scalar

For Lambda@Edge functions, the ARN of the main function

AWSLambdaFunction.memorySize ● Int! non-null scalar

The amount of memory available to the function at runtime

AWSLambdaFunction.packageType ● AWSLambdaFunctionPackageType! non-null enum

The type of deployment package

AWSLambdaFunction.revisionId ● String! non-null scalar

The latest updated revision of the function or alias

AWSLambdaFunction.role ● String! non-null scalar

The function's execution role

AWSLambdaFunction.runtime ● AWSLambdaFunctionRuntimeType! non-null enum

The identifier of the function's runtime

AWSLambdaFunction.runtimeVersionConfiguration ● AWSLambdaFunctionRuntimeVersionConfiguration object

The ARN of the runtime and any errors that occured

AWSLambdaFunction.signingJobArn ● String! non-null scalar

The ARN of the signing job

AWSLambdaFunction.signingProfileVersionArn ● String! non-null scalar

The ARN of the signing profile version

AWSLambdaFunction.snapStart ● AWSLambdaFunctionSnapStart object

A snapshot of the initialized execution environment when you publish a function version

AWSLambdaFunction.state ● AWSLambdaFunctionStateType! non-null enum

The current state of the function

AWSLambdaFunction.stateReason ● String! non-null scalar

The reason for the function's current state

AWSLambdaFunction.stateReasonCode ● AWSLambdaFunctionStateReasonCodeType! non-null enum

The reason code for the function's current state

AWSLambdaFunction.timeout ● Int! non-null scalar

The amount of time in seconds that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it

AWSLambdaFunction.tracingConfiguration ● AWSLambdaFunctionTracingConfiguration object

The function's X-Ray tracing configuration

AWSLambdaFunction.version ● String! non-null scalar

The version of the Lambda function

AWSLambdaFunction.vpcConfiguration ● AWSLambdaFunctionVPCConfiguration object

The function's networking configuration

AWSLambdaFunction.policy ● AWSLambdaFunctionPolicy object

The policy of the function

Member of

AWSLambda object