

No description

type AWSEMRClusterStatus {
errorDetails: [AWSEMRClusterStatusErrorDetail!]!
state: AWSEMRClusterStateType!
stateChangeReason: AWSEMRClusterStateChangeReason!
timeline: AWSEMRClusterStatusTimeline!


AWSEMRClusterStatus.errorDetails ● [AWSEMRClusterStatusErrorDetail!]! non-null object

A list of tuples that provides information about the errors that caused a cluster to terminate

AWSEMRClusterStatus.state ● AWSEMRClusterStateType! non-null enum

The current state of the cluster

AWSEMRClusterStatus.stateChangeReason ● AWSEMRClusterStateChangeReason! non-null object

The reason for the cluster status change

AWSEMRClusterStatus.timeline ● AWSEMRClusterStatusTimeline! non-null object

A timeline that represents the status of a cluster over the lifetime of the cluster

Member of

AWSEMRCluster object