

No description

type AWSECSCluster {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
attachments: [AWSECSAttachment!]!
attachmentsStatus: AWSECSClusterCapacityProviderStatusType!
capacityProviders: [String!]!
arn: String!
name: String!
configuration: AWSECSClusterConfiguration
defaultCapacityProviderStrategy: [AWSECSCapacityProviderStrategyItem!]!
serviceConnectDefaults: AWSECSClusterServiceConnectDefaults
settings: [AWSECSClusterSetting!]!
statistics: AWSECSClusterStatistics!
status: AWSECSClusterStatusType!
tags: [AWSTag!]!
services: [AWSECSService!]!


AWSECSCluster.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this cluster in Shisho Cloud

AWSECSCluster.attachments ● [AWSECSAttachment!]! non-null object

The resources attached to a cluster

AWSECSCluster.attachmentsStatus ● AWSECSClusterCapacityProviderStatusType! non-null enum

The status of the capacity providers associated with the cluster

AWSECSCluster.capacityProviders ● [String!]! non-null scalar

The capacity providers associated with the cluster

AWSECSCluster.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster

AWSECSCluster.name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the cluster

AWSECSCluster.configuration ● AWSECSClusterConfiguration object

The execute command configuration for the cluster

AWSECSCluster.defaultCapacityProviderStrategy ● [AWSECSCapacityProviderStrategyItem!]! non-null object

The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster

AWSECSCluster.serviceConnectDefaults ● AWSECSClusterServiceConnectDefaults object

The parameter to set a default Service Connect namespace

AWSECSCluster.settings ● [AWSECSClusterSetting!]! non-null object

The settings for the cluster

AWSECSCluster.statistics ● AWSECSClusterStatistics! non-null object

The statistics for the cluster

AWSECSCluster.status ● AWSECSClusterStatusType! non-null enum

The status of the cluster

AWSECSCluster.tags ● [AWSTag!]! non-null object

Tags for the cluster

AWSECSCluster.services ● [AWSECSService!]! non-null object

The services

Member of

AWSECS object