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type GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
authorizationPolicyLink: String!
certificateMapLink: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
description: String!
fingerprint: String!
id: Uint64!
name: String!
proxyBind: Boolean!
quicOverride: GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxyQUICOverridePolicy!
region: String!
selfLink: String!
serverTlsPolicyLink: String!
sslCertificateLinks: [String!]!
sslPolicy: GoogleCloudNetworkSSLPolicy
urlMapLink: String!


GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this resource in Shisho Cloud

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.authorizationPolicyLink ● String! non-null scalar

Describes how the proxy should authorize inbound traffic

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.certificateMapLink ● String! non-null scalar

URL of a certificate map

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The created date/time

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.fingerprint ● String! non-null scalar

A hash of the content stored in this object ● Uint64! non-null scalar

The Unique ID ● String! non-null scalar

The name The format: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.proxyBind ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, Envoy proxies set up inbound traffic interception and bind to the IP address and port specified in the forwarding rule

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.quicOverride ● GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxyQUICOverridePolicy! non-null enum

Specifies the QUIC override policy for this resource

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.region ● String! non-null scalar

URL of the region

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.selfLink ● String! non-null scalar

Server-defined URL for the resource

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.serverTlsPolicyLink ● String! non-null scalar

Describes how the proxy should authenticate inbound traffic

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.sslCertificateLinks ● [String!]! non-null scalar

URLs to SSL Certificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.sslPolicy ● GoogleCloudNetworkSSLPolicy object

SSL Policy

GoogleCloudNetworkTargetHTTPSProxy.urlMapLink ● String! non-null scalar

Defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService

Member of

GoogleCloudNetwork object