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type AWSNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress {
association: AWSNetworkInterfaceAssociation
primary: Boolean!
privateDnsName: String!
privateIpAddress: String!


AWSNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress.association ● AWSNetworkInterfaceAssociation object

The association information for an Elastic IP address (IPv4) associated with the network interface

AWSNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress.primary ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether this IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address of the network interface

AWSNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress.privateDnsName ● String! non-null scalar

The private DNS name

AWSNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddress.privateIpAddress ● String! non-null scalar

The private IPv4 address

Member of

AWSNetworkInterface object