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type AWSECSServiceDeploymentConfiguration {
alarms: AWSECSServiceDeploymentAlarms
deploymentCircuitBreaker: AWSECSServiceDeploymentCircuitBreaker
maximumPercent: Int!
minimumHealthyPercent: Int!


AWSECSServiceDeploymentConfiguration.alarms ● AWSECSServiceDeploymentAlarms object

Information about the CloudWatch alarms

AWSECSServiceDeploymentConfiguration.deploymentCircuitBreaker ● AWSECSServiceDeploymentCircuitBreaker object

The deployment circuit breaker can only be used for services using the rolling update ( ECS ) deployment type

AWSECSServiceDeploymentConfiguration.maximumPercent ● Int! non-null scalar

If a service is using the rolling update ( ECS ) deployment type, the maximumPercent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of your service's tasks that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state during a deployment, as a percentage of the number of desired (rounded down to the nearest integer)

AWSECSServiceDeploymentConfiguration.minimumHealthyPercent ● Int! non-null scalar

If a service is using the rolling update ( ECS ) deployment type, the minimumHealthyPercent represents a lower limit on the number of your service's tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment, as a percentage of the number of desired (rounded up to the nearest integer)

Member of

AWSECSService object