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type AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput {
lastDecreasedAt: DateTime
lastIncreasedAt: DateTime
numberOfDecreasesToday: Int64!
readCapacityUnits: Int64!
writeCapacityUnits: Int64!


AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput.lastDecreasedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this table

AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput.lastIncreasedAt ● DateTime scalar

The date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this table

AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput.numberOfDecreasesToday ● Int64! non-null scalar

The number of provisioned throughput decreases for this table during this UTC calendar day

AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput.readCapacityUnits ● Int64! non-null scalar

The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException

AWSDynamoDBTableProvisionedThroughput.writeCapacityUnits ● Int64! non-null scalar

The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a ThrottlingException

Member of

AWSDynamoDBTable object ● AWSDynamoDBTableGlobalSecondaryIndex object