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type GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration {
crossRealmTrustAdminServer: String!
crossRealmTrustKdc: String!
crossRealmTrustRealm: String!
crossRealmTrustSharedPasswordUri: String!
enableKerberos: Boolean!
kdcDbKeyUri: String!
keyPasswordUri: String!
keystorePasswordUri: String!
keystoreUri: String!
kmsKeyUri: String!
realm: String!
rootPrincipalPasswordUri: String!
tgtLifetimeHours: Int!
truststorePasswordUri: String!
truststoreUri: String!


GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.crossRealmTrustAdminServer ● String! non-null scalar

The admin server (IP or hostname) for the remote trusted realm in a cross realm trust relationship

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.crossRealmTrustKdc ● String! non-null scalar

The KDC (IP or hostname) for the remote trusted realm in a cross realm trust relationship

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.crossRealmTrustRealm ● String! non-null scalar

The remote realm the Dataproc on-cluster KDC will trust, should the user enable cross realm trust

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.crossRealmTrustSharedPasswordUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the shared password between the on-cluster Kerberos realm and the remote trusted realm, in a cross realm trust relationship

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.enableKerberos ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Flag to indicate whether to Kerberize the cluster The default: false

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.kdcDbKeyUri ● String! non-null scalar

The admin server (IP or hostname) for the on-cluster Kerberos realm

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.keyPasswordUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the master key of the KDC database

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.keystorePasswordUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the password to the user provided key. For the self-signed certificate, this password is generated by Dataproc.

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.keystoreUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of the keystore file used for SSL encryption. If not provided, Dataproc will provide a self-signed certificate.

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.kmsKeyUri ● String! non-null scalar

The uri of the KMS key used to encrypt various sensitive files

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.realm ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the on-cluster Kerberos realm

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.rootPrincipalPasswordUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the root principal password

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.tgtLifetimeHours ● Int! non-null scalar

The lifetime of the ticket granting ticket, in hours

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.truststorePasswordUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the password to the user provided truststore. For the self-signed certificate, this password is generated by Dataproc.

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityKerberosConfiguration.truststoreUri ● String! non-null scalar

The Cloud Storage URI of the truststore file used for SSL encryption. If not provided, Dataproc will provide a self-signed certificate.

Member of

GoogleCloudDataprocClusterSecurityConfiguration object