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type AWSWAFWebACLCookies {
matchPattern: AWSWAFWebACLCookiesMatchPattern
matchScope: AWSWAFWebACLMatchScopeType!
oversizeHandling: AWSWAFWebACLOversizeHandlingType!


AWSWAFWebACLCookies.matchPattern ● AWSWAFWebACLCookiesMatchPattern object

The filter to use to identify the subset of cookies to inspect in a web request

AWSWAFWebACLCookies.matchScope ● AWSWAFWebACLMatchScopeType! non-null enum

The parts of the cookies to inspect with the rule inspection criteria

AWSWAFWebACLCookies.oversizeHandling ● AWSWAFWebACLOversizeHandlingType! non-null enum

What WAF should do if the cookies of the request are more numerous or larger than WAF can inspect

Member of

AWSWAFWebACLFieldToMatch object