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type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
abortableOperationInProgress: Boolean!
applicationName: String!
cname: String!
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
description: String!
endpointUrl: String!
arn: String!
id: String!
links: [AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentLink!]!
name: String!
health: AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentHealthType!
healthStatus: AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentHealthStatusType!
operationsRole: String!
platformArn: String!
resources: AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources
solutionStackName: String!
status: AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentStatusType!
templateName: String!
tier: AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
versionLabel: String!
configurationSettings: [AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentConfigurationSettings!]!


AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this resource in Shisho Cloud

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.abortableOperationInProgress ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates if there is an in-progress environment configuration update or application version deployment that you can cancel

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.applicationName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the application associated with this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.cname ● String! non-null scalar

The URL to the CNAME for this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

The creation date for this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.updatedAt ● DateTime scalar

The last modified date for this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.description ● String! non-null scalar

Describes this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.endpointUrl ● String! non-null scalar

For load-balanced, autoscaling environments, the URL to the LoadBalancer. For single-instance environments, the IP address of the instance

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.arn ● String! non-null scalar

The environment's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which can be used in other API requests that require an ARN ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of this environment

A list of links to other environments in the same group ● String! non-null scalar

The name of this environment ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentHealthType! non-null enum

Describes the health status of the environment. AWS Elastic Beanstalk indicates the failure levels for a running environment:

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.healthStatus ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentHealthStatusType! non-null enum

The health status of the application running in your environment. For more information, see Health Colors and Statuses

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.operationsRole ● String! non-null scalar

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the environment's operations role. For more information, see Operations roles

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.platformArn ● String! non-null scalar

The ARN of the platform version

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.resources ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources object

The AWS resources used by this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.solutionStackName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the SolutionStack deployed with this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.status ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentStatusType! non-null enum

The current operational status of the environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.templateName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the configuration template used to originally launch this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.tier ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier object

Describes the current tier of this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.versionLabel ● String! non-null scalar

The application version deployed in this environment

AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.configurationSettings ● [AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentConfigurationSettings!]! non-null object

Member of

AWSElasticBeanstalk object