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type AWSWAFWebACLStatement {
andStatement: AWSWAFWebACLAndStatement
byteMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLByteMatchStatement
geoMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLGeoMatchStatement
ipSetReferenceStatement: AWSWAFWebACLIPSetReferenceStatement
labelMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLLabelMatchStatement
managedRuleGroupStatement: AWSWAFWebACLManagedRuleGroupStatement
notStatement: AWSWAFWebACLNotStatement
orStatement: AWSWAFWebACLOrStatement
rateBasedStatement: AWSWAFWebACLRateBasedStatement
regexMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLRegexMatchStatement
regexPatternSetReferenceStatement: AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement
ruleGroupReferenceStatement: AWSWAFWebACLRuleGroupReferenceStatement
sizeConstraintStatement: AWSWAFWebACLSizeConstraintStatement
sqliMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLSqliMatchStatement
xssMatchStatement: AWSWAFWebACLXssMatchStatement


AWSWAFWebACLStatement.andStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLAndStatement object

A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with AND logic

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.byteMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLByteMatchStatement object

A rule statement that defines a string match search for WAF to apply to web requests

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.geoMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLGeoMatchStatement object

A rule statement that labels web requests by country and region and that matches against web requests based on country code

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.ipSetReferenceStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLIPSetReferenceStatement object

A rule statement used to detect web requests coming from particular IP addresses or address ranges

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.labelMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLLabelMatchStatement object

A rule statement to match against labels that have been added to the web request by rules that have already run in the web ACL

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.managedRuleGroupStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLManagedRuleGroupStatement object

A rule statement used to run the rules that are defined in a managed rule group

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.notStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLNotStatement object

A logical rule statement used to negate the results of another rule statement

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.orStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLOrStatement object

A logical rule statement used to combine other rule statements with OR logic

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.rateBasedStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLRateBasedStatement object

A rate-based rule tracks the rate of requests for each originating IP address, and triggers the rule action when the rate exceeds a limit that you specify on the number of requests in any 5-minute time span

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.regexMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLRegexMatchStatement object

A rule statement used to search web request components for matches with regular expressions

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.regexPatternSetReferenceStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLRegexPatternSetReferenceStatement object

A rule statement used to search web request components for a match against a single regular expression

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.ruleGroupReferenceStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLRuleGroupReferenceStatement object

A rule statement used to run the rules that are defined in a RuleGroup

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.sizeConstraintStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLSizeConstraintStatement object

A rule statement that compares a number of bytes against the size of a request component, using a comparison operator, such as greater than (>) or less than (<)

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.sqliMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLSqliMatchStatement object

A rule statement that inspects for malicious SQL code

AWSWAFWebACLStatement.xssMatchStatement ● AWSWAFWebACLXssMatchStatement object

A rule statement that inspects for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

Member of

AWSWAFWebACLAndStatement object ● AWSWAFWebACLManagedRuleGroupStatement object ● AWSWAFWebACLNotStatement object ● AWSWAFWebACLOrStatement object ● AWSWAFWebACLRateBasedStatement object ● AWSWAFWebACLRule object