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type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate {
metadata: ResourceMetadata!
createdAt: DateTime
createdBy: String!
defaultVersion: AWSEC2LaunchTemplateVersion
latestVersion: AWSEC2LaunchTemplateVersion
id: String!
name: String!
tags: [AWSTag]!


AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.metadata ● ResourceMetadata! non-null object

The metadata to identify this resource in Shisho Cloud

AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.createdAt ● DateTime scalar

The time launch template was created

AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.createdBy ● String! non-null scalar

The principal that created the launch template

AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.defaultVersion ● AWSEC2LaunchTemplateVersion object

The version of the default version of the launch template

AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.latestVersion ● AWSEC2LaunchTemplateVersion object

The version of the latest version of the launch template ● String! non-null scalar

The ID of the launch template ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the launch template

AWSEC2LaunchTemplate.tags ● [AWSTag]! non-null object

The tags for the launch template

Member of

AWSEC2 object ● AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources object