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Workflow Manifest


The English user guide is currently in beta preview. Most of the documents have been automatically translated from the Japanese version. Should you find any inaccuracies, please reach out to Flatt Security.

Workflows are defined by a Manifest, written in YAML format:

By defining this manifest and creating workflows on Shisho Cloud, you can codify auditing, inspections, and subsequent actions.


A workflow manifest consists of the following five elements:

  • version: A constant (0.1.0)
  • id: A unique ID for the workflow
  • name: A human-readable display name for the workflow
  • triggers: Configuration for when to execute the workflow
  • jobs: Configuration for audits, inspections, and subsequent actions to be performed within the workflow

In other words, a workflow manifest is a YAML file that follows the format below:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"
name: "Example"

# ...

# ....


A workflow defines multiple triggers as a triggers block:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"

# Definition of multiple triggers
# ...

Each trigger defines when the workflow should be executed. Definitions based on time, such as "execute the trigger at regular intervals," or definitions based on events, such as "execute when a webhook message is received from another service," can be used.

More specifically, the following triggers are available:

  • schedule trigger
  • github trigger

schedule Trigger

The schedule trigger uses the cron format to define the timing of workflow execution. The schedule trigger can include one or more execution timing settings in cron format, and the workflow will be executed at the time that matches at least one cron setting.

For example, a workflow with the following trigger will be executed every 10 minutes:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"
# Run every 10 minutes
- cron: "*/10 * * * *"
# ...

The following is an example of a schedule trigger that includes multiple cron settings:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"
- cron: "*/10 * * * *"
- cron: "*/30 * * * *"
# ...

Even if multiple cron settings instruct the workflow to execute at the same time, the workflow execution is only guaranteed at least once.

github Trigger

The github trigger is used to define the timing of workflow execution using webhook messages delivered from GitHub to Shisho Cloud. You can configure one or more workflow execution conditions based on webhook messages for the github trigger. With such a configuration, the workflow will be executed if the webhook message received from GitHub matches at least one of the settings.

For example, a workflow with the following trigger will be executed when a push event to the default branch of each repository occurs:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"
- push:
- :default_branch

Here is an example of a github trigger that includes multiple conditions:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"
- push:
- :default_branch
- push:
- staging

Of the event information that GitHub delivers through webhook messages, Shisho Cloud currently supports the following events:

Handling push Events

When controlling workflow execution based on push events, the following filters are available:

  • organization: The GitHub Organization name to which the push destination repository belongs matches the specified string
  • name: The push destination repository name matches the specified string
  • push.branches: The push destination branch name matches at least one of the specified patterns
    • When comparing patterns and push destination branch names, the following characters/strings in the pattern have special behavior:
      • *: Matches one or more characters excluding /
      • **: Matches one or more characters
      • Three or more consecutive *:
        • Odd number of *: One or more characters not ending with /
        • Even number of *: Matches one or more characters
    • If the pattern exactly matches any of the following, the match verification will behave specially:
      • :default_branch: Instead of comparing the pattern and the push destination branch name, compare the default branch name of the repository with the push destination branch name
  • push.branches_ignore: The push destination branch name does not match any of the specified patterns
    • Special characters and identifiers equivalent to branches can be used in the pattern
  • push.tags: The pushed tag name matches at least one of the specified patterns
    • When comparing patterns and pushed tag names, the following characters/strings in the pattern have special behavior:
      • *: Matches one or more characters excluding /
      • **: Matches one or more characters
      • Three or more consecutive *:
        • Odd number of *: One or more characters not ending with /
        • Even number of *: Matches one or more characters
  • push.tags_ignore: The pushed tag name does not match any of the specified patterns
    • Special characters equivalent to tags can be used in the pattern

If multiple filters are specified, they are treated as AND conditions. That is, the workflow will be executed only if all filters match.

Here are some examples of how to use the above filters:

# Execute the workflow based on push events from GitHub. However:
# - Only react to push events for octcat/Hello-World
# - Only react to the staging branch or branches starting with feat/
- organization: "octcat"
name: "Hello-World"
- staging
- feat/**

Handling pull_request Events

When controlling workflow execution based on pull_request events, the following filters are available:

  • organization: The GitHub Organization name to which the push destination repository belongs matches the specified string
  • name: The push destination repository name matches the specified string
  • pull_request.types: The pull_request event type is included in the specified list
  • pull_request.branches: The base branch name of the pull_request matches at least one of the specified patterns
    • When comparing patterns and the base branch name of the pull_request, the following characters/strings in the pattern have special behavior:
      • *: Matches one or more characters excluding /
      • **: Matches one or more characters
    • If the pattern exactly matches any of the following, the match verification will behave specially:
      • :default_branch: Instead of comparing the pattern and the base branch name of the pull_request, compare the default branch name of the repository with the base branch name of the pull_request
  • PULL_REQUEST.branches_ignore: The base branch name of the pull_request does not match any of the specified patterns
    • Special characters and identifiers equivalent to branches can be used in the pattern

If multiple filters are specified, they are treated as AND conditions. That is, the workflow will be executed only if all filters match.

Here are some examples of how to use the above filters:

# Execute the workflow based on pull_request events from GitHub. However:
# - Only react to pull_request events for octcat/Hello-World
# - Only react to synchronize, opened, and reopened events
- organization: "octcat"
name: "Hello-World"
- synchronize
- opened
- reopened


A workflow defines multiple jobs:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"

# Definition of multiple jobs
# ....

Each job includes:

  • id: Job's unique ID within the workflow
  • name: A human-readable display name for the job
  • decide: What data to inspect/audit and how to do it
  • notify (optional): How to notify at each phase of job execution

decide Block

To define what data to inspect/audit and how to do it, a job must include a decide block:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"

- id: "..."
name: "..."

# decide block
# ...


To define "what data" to inspect/audit, the decide block must include:

  • input block

To define "how to inspect/audit", at least one of the following must be included:

  • rego block
  • uses block

As shown in the figure, these two elements define the target of inspection/audit (left side of the image) and the method of inspection/audit (center of the image):

input Block

The input block defines the data to be inspected/audited in the form of a GraphQL query. Shisho Cloud retrieves data for each job according to the definition of such a query and inputs the retrieved data into the policy code.

- decide:
# GraphQL query
schema: |
query {

A simple playground is available for checking and writing GraphQL query specifications.

Here is an example of a GraphQL query to retrieve "connected GitHub Organizations and repositories":

query {
github {
organizations {
metadata {

repositories {
metadata {

rego Block

The rego block uses the policy language Rego to define "how to inspect/audit". A policy receives data retrieved by Shisho Cloud as defined by the GraphQL query in the job. Then, by outputting data called multiple Decisions, it communicates the inspection/audit results to Shisho Cloud. Shisho Cloud uses this communicated data to support the visualization and improvement of the security posture.

More specifically, Shisho Cloud and policies written in Rego exchange values as follows:

  • Input to the policy: Given via the input variable on Rego
  • Output from the policy: Done via the decisions variable on Rego
Inputting Data According to GraphQL Query into the Policy

Shisho Cloud uses the GraphQL query described in the input block in the job to retrieve data and inputs it into the policy. The retrieved data is accessible from the input variable.

For example, suppose you wrote the following query in the input block in a job to retrieve a list of GitHub organizations and inspect/audit them:

query {
github {
organizations {

In this case, an object like the following is stored in a variable called input that can be accessed from within the Rego policy:

"github": {
"organizations": [
"login": "octcat",
"requiresTwoFactorAuthentication": true
"login": "your-org-name",
"requiresTwoFactorAuthentication": false

Therefore, by writing the following in the Rego policy, you can get the list of GitHub organizations retrieved using the GraphQL query:


If you want to verify the value of requiresTwoFactorAuthentication (a bool value indicating whether to enforce the use of two-factor authentication for members in the organization) for each GitHub organization, you can write as follows:

org := input.github.organizations[_],
allowed := org.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication == true

By using the shishoctl command, you can create test input for the policy based on the GraphQL query you wrote. This command can be used when testing Rego policies with the Open Policy Agent (OPA) command.

The following is an example of a command that generates test data in JSON format that can be used as input for the jobs[].decide.rego policy from a GraphQL query:

shishoctl testcase generate \
--type decision \
--org (Shisho Cloud organization ID) \
--query-path (path to the file where the GraphQL query is stored)

Even if you are using something other than Rego to describe the policy, or if the policy is used in jobs[].notify or later, you can handle it by changing the options of the above command. For details, check the output of the shishoctl testcase generate --help command.

Outputting Results from the Policy

By setting the value of the decisions variable in Rego, you can record problems found as a result of inspection/audit or the fact that no problems were found. In other words, Shisho Cloud processes and records the value of the decisions variable in the Rego policy.

decisions := [

decisions[n] {
n := ...

Here, when setting a value to the decisions variable from the policy, the value must be a Decision object. A Decision object is a data object that represents what kind of target, what kind of result, and what kind of result, and is usually generated using the Rego SDK. Here are some examples:

decisions[d] {

allowed := org.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication == true

d := shisho.decision.github.org_2fa_status({
# whether the target is allowed by this policy or not
"allowed": allowed,
# the target of the decision (e.g. a GitHub repository, etc.)
# clues on this decision
"payload": shisho.decision.github.org_2fa_status_payload({"enabled": org.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication}),

decide Block Example

The following job definition example defines an input block that defines the data to be inspected/audited and a rego block that defines how to inspect/audit it:

- name: check-with-foobar
id: check-with-foobar
rego: |
import data.shisho

decisions[d] {
org := input.github.organizations[_],
allowed := org.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication == true

d := shisho.decision.github.org_2fa_status({
"allowed": allowed,
"payload": shisho.decision.github.org_2fa_status_payload({"enabled": org.requiresTwoFactorAuthentication}),
schema: |
query {
github {
organizations {
metadata {

with Block

The with block is for defining parameters to be passed to policy code. Using this feature makes it possible to create more flexible and efficient policy code.

The defined parameters can be used in both Rego / TypeScript policy code.

The following with block definition example defines the symbol name, parameter type, description, and value to be used in the policy code.

- decide:
decide: ...
input: ...
type: string
description: skip specific instances
value: "test-sample"

The following shows an example of using parameters in Rego / TypeScript policy code.

# example: Rego policy code
allow_specific_instance(instance) {

instance.machineType == "f1-micro"
} else = contains(, input.params.allowName)
// example: TypeScript policy code
if ( {
return {

When a with block is defined, the parameter setting UI is displayed in the Shisho Cloud workflow editor.


There are four parameter types, and the display of the parameter setting UI changes depending on the type.

  • string
  • notification_target
  • slack_channel
  • resource_exception

Select string to pass parameters to the policy code. For other types, please refer to this page.

notify Block

To define how to notify at each phase of job execution, a job may include a notify block:

version: 0.1.0
id: "example-workflow"

- id: "..."
name: "..."

# notify block
# Input definition
input: # ...

# Notification method definition
rego: # ....
uses: # ....


The notify block must include the following block, which defines "the data needed to determine whether to notify or to construct the notification content":

  • input block

It must also include the following block, which defines how to determine whether to notify and how to construct the notification content:

  • rego block
  • uses block

As shown in the figure, these two elements define the auxiliary data required to determine what notification to send (left side of the image) and the notification logic (center of the image):

input Block

The input block in the notify block behaves the same as the input block in the decide block. See the description of the input block in the decide block for details.


By using the shishoctl command, you can create test input for the policy based on the GraphQL query you wrote. This command can be used when testing Rego policies with the Open Policy Agent (OPA) command.

The following is an example of a command that generates test data in JSON format that can be used as input for the jobs[].notify.rego policy from a GraphQL query:

shishoctl testcase generate \
--type notification \
--org (Shisho Cloud organization ID) \
--query-path (path to the file where the GraphQL query is stored)

Even if you are using something other than Rego to describe the policy, or if the policy is used in jobs[].decide or later, you can handle it by changing the options of the above command. For details, check the output of the shishoctl testcase generate --help command.

rego Block

The rego block uses the policy language Rego to define "how to determine whether to notify and how to construct the notification content."

Inputting Data According to GraphQL Query into the Policy

Shisho Cloud retrieves data using the GraphQL query described in the input block in the job and inputs it into the policy. The retrieved data is accessible from the input.query variable.


Various values related to workflow functions, such as job execution status, are available from the input variable. See the Rego Inline Policy API documentation for details.

Outputting Results from the Policy

You can instruct Shisho Cloud to send notifications by setting a value to the notifications variable in the Rego policy.

notifications := [

notifications[n] {
n := ...

Here, when setting a value to the notifications variable from the policy, the value must be an array of Notification objects. A Notification object is a data object that represents what kind of target, what kind of result, and what kind of result, and is usually generated using the Rego SDK. Here are some examples:

notifications[n] {
target := shisho.notification.to_notification_group("id-of-notification-group")
msg := "test"

n :=, msg)

notifications[n] {
target := shisho.notification.to_github_issue(
msg := "test"

n :=, msg)

notify Block Example

The following job definition example defines an input block that defines the data to be inspected/audited and a rego block that defines how to inspect/audit it:

- name: check-with-foobar
id: check-with-foobar
# ...
schema: |
query {
rego: |
package policy.github.config.notify

import data.shisho

notification_groups := []

notifications[n] {
input.running_state == shisho.job.running_state_in_queue

ng := notification_groups[_],
target := shisho.notification.to_notification_group(ng)

msg := concat("", ["Shisho Cloud has started to audit the GitHub configurations! See for further information."])

n :=, msg)