📄️ Dashboard
The Dashboard lists items reported for your Shisho Cloud organization.
📄️ Workflow
Advanced: Workflow Execution Optimization
📄️ Workflow Manifest
Workflows are defined by a Manifest, written in YAML format:
📄️ Workflow Execution Results
The results of workflow runs are displayed in the Workflow list view:
🗃️ Cloud Security Assessment
1 items
🗃️ Web Application Security Assessment
3 items
📄️ Notification Targets
When Shisho Cloud detects a policy violation, you can view it on the Shisho Cloud dashboard and send notifications to external services.
📄️ Notification Groups
A Notification Group is a bundle of Notification Targets. This concept was introduced to enable changes to notification destinations, particularly when there are multiple recipients or their identities frequently change, without altering the workflow or policy.
📄️ Team
In Shisho Cloud, you can manage permissions centrally by grouping multiple users into units called "teams."
📄️ Playground for Testing GraphQL Queries
Each input block in a job within the workflow is used to define the data for inspection/audit in the form of GraphQL queries.
📄️ Roles and Permissions
Concept: organization
📄️ Retrieve data with GraphQL
In Shisho Cloud, resource inspection and evaluation result (decision) registration are defined in workflows. The data of inspection/audit targets required for the inspections are defined in the workflow in the form of GraphQL queries. This page describes the specifications of GraphQL in Shisho Cloud. For details on workflows, please refer to this page.
📄️ Resource
Shisho Cloud inspects and audits a wide variety of targets. The entities of the data subject to audit are referred to as resources within Shisho Cloud. Each resource has a resource ID as a unique identifier. A human-readable resource name paired with a resource ID may be referred to as resource metadata.
📄️ Partial Execution of Workflow
A single workflow usually contains multiple jobs, and each job inspects all the target resources. Therefore, it may take a long time to complete the inspection, especially when a workflow includes many jobs or the number of target resources is large.
📄️ Partial Data Fetch
Typically, a single workflow contains multiple jobs, and each job inspects all auditable data. Therefore, if a workflow contains multiple jobs or there is a large amount of auditable data, the inspection may take a long time.