Google Binary Authorization Policy

This page shows how to write Terraform for Binary Authorization Policy and write them securely.

google_binary_authorization_policy (Terraform)

The Policy in Binary Authorization can be configured in Terraform with the resource name google_binary_authorization_policy. The following sections describe 3 examples of how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub
resource "google_binary_authorization_policy" "binauthz-policy" {
  project = var.project_id

  dynamic "admission_whitelist_patterns" {
    for_each = var.compliance_testing_use ? concat(var.admission_allowlist, local.compliance_containers) : var.admission_allowlist
    content {
resource "google_binary_authorization_policy" "this" {
  description                   = var.description
  global_policy_evaluation_mode = var.global_policy_evaluation_mode
  project                       = var.project

  dynamic "admission_whitelist_patterns" {
resource "google_binary_authorization_policy" "policy" {
    admission_whitelist_patterns {
        name_pattern = "$$projectId/$containerRegistryName/*"

    default_admission_rule {

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A descriptive comment.

Controls the evaluation of a Google-maintained global admission policy for common system-level images. Images not covered by the global policy will be subject to the project admission policy. Possible values: ["ENABLE", "DISABLE"]

  • id optional computed - string
  • project optional computed - string
  • admission_whitelist_patterns list block

    An image name pattern to whitelist, in the form 'registry/path/to/image'. This supports a trailing * as a wildcard, but this is allowed only in text after the registry/ part.

  • cluster_admission_rules set block

    The action when a pod creation is denied by the admission rule. Possible values: ["ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG", "DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY"]

    How this admission rule will be evaluated. Possible values: ["ALWAYS_ALLOW", "REQUIRE_ATTESTATION", "ALWAYS_DENY"]

    The resource names of the attestors that must attest to a container image. If the attestor is in a different project from the policy, it should be specified in the format 'projects//attestors/'. Each attestor must exist before a policy can reference it. To add an attestor to a policy the principal issuing the policy change request must be able to read the attestor resource. Note: this field must be non-empty when the evaluation_mode field specifies REQUIRE_ATTESTATION, otherwise it must be empty.

  • default_admission_rule list block

    The action when a pod creation is denied by the admission rule. Possible values: ["ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG", "DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY"]

    How this admission rule will be evaluated. Possible values: ["ALWAYS_ALLOW", "REQUIRE_ATTESTATION", "ALWAYS_DENY"]

    The resource names of the attestors that must attest to a container image. If the attestor is in a different project from the policy, it should be specified in the format 'projects//attestors/'. Each attestor must exist before a policy can reference it. To add an attestor to a policy the principal issuing the policy change request must be able to read the attestor resource. Note: this field must be non-empty when the evaluation_mode field specifies REQUIRE_ATTESTATION, otherwise it must be empty.

  • timeouts single block

Explanation in Terraform Registry

A policy for container image binary authorization. To get more information about Policy, see:

Frequently asked questions

What is Google Binary Authorization Policy?

Google Binary Authorization Policy is a resource for Binary Authorization of Google Cloud Platform. Settings can be wrote in Terraform.

Where can I find the example code for the Google Binary Authorization Policy?

For Terraform, the rosmo/gke-commonground-haven, niveklabs/google and mathieu-benoit/mygkecluster source code examples are useful. See the Terraform Example section for further details.


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