Azure Sentinel Alert Rule Machine Learning Behavior Analytics

This page shows how to write Terraform for Sentinel Alert Rule Machine Learning Behavior Analytics and write them securely.

azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_machine_learning_behavior_analytics (Terraform)

The Alert Rule Machine Learning Behavior Analytics in Sentinel can be configured in Terraform with the resource name azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_machine_learning_behavior_analytics. The following sections describe how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub

An example could not be found in GitHub.

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The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name which should be used for this SentinelMachine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule. Changing this forces a new Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule to be created.

  • log_analytics_workspace_id - (Required) The ID of the Log Analytics Workspace this SentinelMachine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule belongs to. Changing this forces a new Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule to be created.

  • alert_rule_template_guid - (Required) The GUID of the alert rule template which is used for this Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule. Changing this forces a new Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule to be created.

  • enabled - (Optional) Should this Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule be enabled? Defaults to true.

In addition to the Arguments listed above - the following Attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule.

Explanation in Terraform Registry

Manages a Sentinel Machine Learning Behavior Analytics Alert Rule.

Azure Resource Manager Example

Azure Resource Manager code does not have the related resource.

Frequently asked questions

What is Azure Sentinel Alert Rule Machine Learning Behavior Analytics?

Azure Sentinel Alert Rule Machine Learning Behavior Analytics is a resource for Sentinel of Microsoft Azure. Settings can be wrote in Terraform.


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