AWS Amplify Console App

This page shows how to write Terraform and CloudFormation for Amplify Console App and write them securely.

aws_amplify_app (Terraform)

The App in Amplify Console can be configured in Terraform with the resource name aws_amplify_app. The following sections describe 5 examples of how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub
resource "aws_amplify_app" "app" {
    name =
    repository = var.repository
    build_spec = var.build_spec
    environment_variables = var.environment_variables
    access_token = var.access_token
resource "aws_amplify_app" "example" {
  name       = "wireframe "
  repository = ""
  # GitHub personal access token
  access_token =  "~/.ssh/"
resource "aws_amplify_app" "front_app" {
  name         = "front"
  repository   = ""
  access_token = yamldecode(file("../env.yml"))["GITHUB_PAT"]

  enable_auto_branch_creation = true
resource "aws_amplify_app" "app2" {
  name       = "amp"
  repository = ""

  # GitHub personal access token
  access_token = var.access_token
resource "aws_amplify_app" "app" {
  name       =
  repository = var.RepoUrl

  # GitHub personal access token
  access_token = var.access_token

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The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name for an Amplify app.
  • access_token - (Optional) The personal access token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The personal access token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key. The token is not stored.
  • auto_branch_creation_config - (Optional) The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app. An auto_branch_creation_config block is documented below.
  • auto_branch_creation_patterns - (Optional) The automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.
  • basic_auth_credentials - (Optional) The credentials for basic authorization for an Amplify app.
  • build_spec - (Optional) The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.
  • custom_rule - (Optional) The custom rewrite and redirect rules for an Amplify app. A custom_rule block is documented below.
  • description - (Optional) The description for an Amplify app.
  • enable_auto_branch_creation - (Optional) Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.
  • enable_basic_auth - (Optional) Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app. This will apply to all branches that are part of this app.
  • enable_branch_auto_build - (Optional) Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
  • enable_branch_auto_deletion - (Optional) Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.
  • environment_variables - (Optional) The environment variables map for an Amplify app.
  • iam_service_role_arn - (Optional) The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for an Amplify app.
  • oauth_token - (Optional) The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The OAuth token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key. The OAuth token is not stored.
  • platform - (Optional) The platform or framework for an Amplify app. Valid values: WEB.
  • repository - (Optional) The repository for an Amplify app.
  • tags - (Optional) Key-value mapping of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.

An auto_branch_creation_config block supports the following arguments:

  • basic_auth_credentials - (Optional) The basic authorization credentials for the autocreated branch.
  • build_spec - (Optional) The build specification (build spec) for the autocreated branch.
  • enable_auto_build - (Optional) Enables auto building for the autocreated branch.
  • enable_basic_auth - (Optional) Enables basic authorization for the autocreated branch.
  • enable_performance_mode - (Optional) Enables performance mode for the branch.
  • enable_pull_request_preview - (Optional) Enables pull request previews for the autocreated branch.
  • environment_variables - (Optional) The environment variables for the autocreated branch.
  • framework - (Optional) The framework for the autocreated branch.
  • pull_request_environment_name - (Optional) The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
  • stage - (Optional) Describes the current stage for the autocreated branch. Valid values: PRODUCTION, BETA, DEVELOPMENT, EXPERIMENTAL, PULL_REQUEST.

A custom_rule block supports the following arguments:

  • condition - (Optional) The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, such as a country code.
  • source - (Required) The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
  • status - (Optional) The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule. Valid values: 200, 301, 302, 404, 404-200.
  • target - (Required) The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • arn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amplify app.
  • default_domain - The default domain for the Amplify app.
  • id - The unique ID of the Amplify app.
  • production_branch - Describes the information about a production branch for an Amplify app. A production_branch block is documented below.
  • tags_all - A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

A production_branch block supports the following attributes:

  • branch_name - The branch name for the production branch.
  • last_deploy_time - The last deploy time of the production branch.
  • status - The status of the production branch.
  • thumbnail_url - The thumbnail URL for the production branch.

Explanation in Terraform Registry

Provides an Amplify App resource, a fullstack serverless app hosted on the AWS Amplify Console.

Note: When you create/update an Amplify App from Terraform, you may end up with the error "BadRequestException: You should at least provide one valid token" because of authentication issues. See the section "Repository with Tokens" below.

AWS::Amplify::App (CloudFormation)

The App in Amplify can be configured in CloudFormation with the resource name AWS::Amplify::App. The following sections describe 10 examples of how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub

      Type: "AWS::Amplify::App"
            EnableAutoBranchCreation: true
            EnableAutoBuild: true
          Name: "eg-iot_management_app"
      Type: AWS::Amplify::App
        Name: AmplifyManualReleaseReactApp

      Type: AWS::Amplify::Branch
    Type: AWS::Amplify::App
      OauthToken: '{{resolve:ssm:UnsecureSecretString:1}}'
      Name: foobar
    Type: AWS::Amplify::App
      OauthToken: '{{resolve:ssm-secure:SecureSecretString:1}}'
      Name: foobar
    Type: AWS::Amplify::App
      OauthToken: b@d0@u7H70K3n
      Name: foobar
      "Type": "AWS::Amplify::App",
      "Properties": {
        "OauthToken": "String",
        "Repository": "String",
        "BasicAuthConfig": {
          "Username": "admin",
      "Type": "AWS::Amplify::App",
      "Properties": {
        "BasicAuthConfig": {
          "EnableBasicAuth": true,
          "Password": "ParentPassword",
          "Username": "ParentUsername"
      "Type": "AWS::Amplify::App"
      "Type": "AWS::Amplify::App",
      "Properties": {
        "BuildSpec": "String",
        "CustomHeaders": "String",
        "Description": "String",
        "EnableBranchAutoDeletion": true,
      "Type": "AWS::Amplify::App",
      "Properties": {
        "BuildSpec": "String",
        "Description": "String",
        "EnableBranchAutoDeletion": true,
        "Repository": "String",


Explanation in CloudFormation Registry

The AWS::Amplify::App resource creates Apps in the Amplify Console. An App is a collection of branches.

Frequently asked questions

What is AWS Amplify Console App?

AWS Amplify Console App is a resource for Amplify Console of Amazon Web Service. Settings can be wrote in Terraform and CloudFormation.

Where can I find the example code for the AWS Amplify Console App?

For Terraform, the casc3798/terragrunt-modules, Otherotter/practice-terraform and Tiino1/serverless-webapp source code examples are useful. See the Terraform Example section for further details.

For CloudFormation, the shintaroZ/cloudformation, jmptr/amplify-manual-release and gustcol/Canivete source code examples are useful. See the CloudFormation Example section for further details.