AWS Service Catalog Provisioned Product

This page shows how to write Terraform and CloudFormation for AWS Service Catalog Provisioned Product and write them securely.

aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product (Terraform)

The Provisioned Product in AWS Service Catalog can be configured in Terraform with the resource name aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product. The following sections describe how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub

An example could not be found in GitHub.

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The following arguments are required:

  • name - (Required) User-friendly name of the provisioned product.

The following arguments are optional:

  • accept_language - (Optional) Language code. Valid values: en (English), jp (Japanese), zh (Chinese). Default value is en.
  • ignore_errors - (Optional) Only applies to deleting. If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops managing the specified provisioned product even if it cannot delete the underlying resources. The default value is false.
  • notification_arns - (Optional) Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related events.
  • path_id - (Optional) Path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has a default path, and required if the product has more than one path. To list the paths for a product, use aws_servicecatalog_launch_paths. When required, you must provide path_id or path_name, but not both.
  • path_name - (Optional) Name of the path. You must provide path_id or path_name, but not both.
  • product_id - (Optional) Product identifier. For example, prod-abcdzk7xy33qa. You must provide product_id or product_name, but not both.
  • product_name - (Optional) Name of the product. You must provide product_id or product_name, but not both.
  • provisioning_artifact_id - (Optional) Identifier of the provisioning artifact. For example, pa-4abcdjnxjj6ne. You must provide the provisioning_artifact_id or provisioning_artifact_name, but not both.
  • provisioning_artifact_name - (Optional) Name of the provisioning artifact. You must provide the provisioning_artifact_id or provisioning_artifact_name, but not both.
  • provisioning_parameters - (Optional) Configuration block with parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning the product. See details below.
  • retain_physical_resources - (Optional) Only applies to deleting. Whether to delete the Service Catalog provisioned product but leave the CloudFormation stack, stack set, or the underlying resources of the deleted provisioned product. The default value is false.
  • stack_set_provisioning_preferences - (Optional) Configuration block with information about the provisioning preferences for a stack set. See details below.
  • tags - (Optional) Tags to apply to the provisioned product. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.


The following arguments are supported:

  • key - (Required) Parameter key.
  • use_previous_value - (Optional) Whether to ignore value and keep the previous parameter value. Ignored when initially provisioning a product.
  • value - (Optional) Parameter value.


All of the stack_set_provisioning_preferences are only applicable to a CFN_STACKSET provisioned product type.

The following arguments are supported:

  • accounts - (Optional) One or more AWS accounts that will have access to the provisioned product. The AWS accounts specified should be within the list of accounts in the STACKSET constraint. To get the list of accounts in the STACKSET constraint, use the aws_servicecatalog_provisioning_parameters data source. If no values are specified, the default value is all accounts from the STACKSET constraint.
  • failure_tolerance_count - (Optional) Number of accounts, per region, for which this operation can fail before AWS Service Catalog stops the operation in that region. If the operation is stopped in a region, AWS Service Catalog doesn't attempt the operation in any subsequent regions. You must specify either failure_tolerance_count or failure_tolerance_percentage, but not both. The default value is 0 if no value is specified.
  • failure_tolerance_percentage - (Optional) Percentage of accounts, per region, for which this stack operation can fail before AWS Service Catalog stops the operation in that region. If the operation is stopped in a region, AWS Service Catalog doesn't attempt the operation in any subsequent regions. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, AWS Service Catalog rounds down to the next whole number. You must specify either failure_tolerance_count or failure_tolerance_percentage, but not both.
  • max_concurrency_count - (Optional) Maximum number of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time. This is dependent on the value of failure_tolerance_count. max_concurrency_count is at most one more than the failure_tolerance_count. Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling. You must specify either max_concurrency_count or max_concurrency_percentage, but not both.
  • max_concurrency_percentage - (Optional) Maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, AWS Service Catalog rounds down to the next whole number. This is true except in cases where rounding down would result is zero. In this case, AWS Service Catalog sets the number as 1 instead. Note that this setting lets you specify the maximum for operations. For large deployments, under certain circumstances the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling. You must specify either max_concurrency_count or max_concurrency_percentage, but not both.
  • regions - (Optional) One or more AWS Regions where the provisioned product will be available. The specified regions should be within the list of regions from the STACKSET constraint. To get the list of regions in the STACKSET constraint, use the aws_servicecatalog_provisioning_parameters data source. If no values are specified, the default value is all regions from the STACKSET constraint.

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • arn - ARN of the provisioned product.
  • cloudwatch_dashboard_names - Set of CloudWatch dashboards that were created when provisioning the product.
  • created_time - Time when the provisioned product was created.
  • id - Provisioned Product ID.
  • last_provisioning_record_id - Record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned product of the following types: ProvisionedProduct, UpdateProvisionedProduct, ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan, TerminateProvisionedProduct.
  • last_record_id - Record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned product.
  • last_successful_provisioning_record_id - Record identifier of the last successful request performed on this provisioned product of the following types: ProvisionedProduct, UpdateProvisionedProduct, ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan, TerminateProvisionedProduct.
  • launch_role_arn - ARN of the launch role associated with the provisioned product.
  • status - Current status of the provisioned product. See meanings below.
  • status_message - Current status message of the provisioned product.
  • tags_all - Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.
  • type - Type of provisioned product. Valid values are CFN_STACK and CFN_STACKSET.

Explanation in Terraform Registry

This resource provisions and manages a Service Catalog provisioned product. A provisioned product is a resourced instance of a product. For example, provisioning a product based on a CloudFormation template launches a CloudFormation stack and its underlying resources. Like this resource, the aws_servicecatalog_record data source also provides information about a provisioned product. Although a Service Catalog record provides some overlapping information with this resource, a record is tied to a provisioned product event, such as provisioning, termination, and updating. -> Tip: If you include conflicted keys as tags, AWS will report an error, "Parameter validation failed: Missing required parameter in Tags[N]:Value". -> Tip: A "provisioning artifact" is also referred to as a "version." A "distributor" is also referred to as a "vendor."

AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct (CloudFormation)

The CloudFormationProvisionedProduct in ServiceCatalog can be configured in CloudFormation with the resource name AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct. The following sections describe how to use the resource and its parameters.

Example Usage from GitHub

An example could not be found in GitHub.


Explanation in CloudFormation Registry

Provisions the specified product.

A provisioned product is a resourced instance of a product. For example, provisioning a product based on a AWS CloudFormation template launches a AWS CloudFormation stack and its underlying resources. You can check the status of this request using DescribeRecord.

If the request contains a tag key with an empty list of values, there is a tag conflict for that key. Do not include conflicted keys as tags, or this causes the error "Parameter validation failed: Missing required parameter in Tags[N]:Value".

Frequently asked questions

What is AWS Service Catalog Provisioned Product?

AWS Service Catalog Provisioned Product is a resource for Service Catalog of Amazon Web Service. Settings can be wrote in Terraform and CloudFormation.