

No description

type AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroup {
instanceRole: AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroupInstanceRoleType!
placementStrategy: AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroupStrategyType!


AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroup.instanceRole ● AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroupInstanceRoleType! non-null enum

Role of the instance in the cluster. Starting with Amazon EMR release 5.23.0, the only supported instance role is MASTER

AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroup.placementStrategy ● AWSEMRClusterPlacementGroupStrategyType! non-null enum

Amazon EC2 Placement Group strategy associated with instance role. Starting with Amazon EMR release 5.23.0, the only supported placement strategy is SPREAD for the MASTER instance role.

Member of

AWSEMRCluster object