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type AWSCloudTrailAdvancedFieldSelector {
field: String!
endsWith: [String!]!
equals: [String!]!
notEndsWith: [String!]!
notEquals: [String!]!
notStartsWith: [String!]!
startsWith: [String!]!
● String!
non-null scalar
A field in a CloudTrail event record on which to filter events to be logged
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that includes events that match the last few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that includes events that match the exact value of the event record field specified as the value of Field
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that excludes events that match the last few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that excludes events that match the exact value of the event record field specified as the value of Field
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that excludes events that match the first few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
An operator that includes events that match the first few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field